Post 4 ingles 4


The duality of quarantine:

Hello, my name is Ricardo Ramos, I am from ñuñoa, and I will tell you what this quarantine has been and how I feel about it (I can't think of anything else to talk about). At the beginning of the total quarantine I believed that I would have more time for myself, by this I mean to exercise, study, play league of legends and learn new things. The first weeks flew by, I had too much fun (in my world) but as the days went by, I no longer had fun doing the same thing over and over again, my day to day became a routine.

Along with this, were added the tedious classes and exams in the university, which I take away almost all my free time in the day, seeing much less my mother even though she is at home telecommuting. This is because it is much more difficult for me to learn online (I do not know if it will be just my case but learning at a distance is a challenge for both the teacher and the student), in the total quarantine I had difficult moments because I did not have the motivation to study online but I survived, I was forced to change my sleep and eating schedules (it was a hard change).

Greetings to my friends from university who accompanied me in my studies.

Now that everything is more normal and I am much better, at least I can go out to smoke a cigarette and drink chelas with my friends, with all the corresponding security measures. I came to the conclusion that we are always going to need friends and people to support you to make you forget how stressful it is to live in the middle of a global pandemic.


  1. online classes are time consuming and hard to concentrate

  2. You´re welcome, get throught the quarantine with you makes everything more easy and we make a great work team!


  3. I hope everything returns to normal, I don't like online classes

  4. Oh ... I really understand you, online classes are a horror, it is very difficult to study in those conditions, I am the worst enemy myself.


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