Post 8: A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

If I had to choose between the subjects I have had this semester, I would honestly and with all my heart choose analytical chemistry. Far away the classes that I have enjoyed the most.

In the classes the teacher basically teaches us in detail and step by step each exercise, either easy or difficult. It is a didactic class and with an already established dynamics. In addition to, solving the doubts at the moment and in a comfortable way. Compared to the other online classes, it was the one I learned the most and it is demostrated in my results.
During these classes we have seen:

- all kinds of volumes with their respective processes and formulas (very boring: *)

-Analysis of anions and cations (the best part of the subject jujuju).

-PH balances and precipitations

What I like most about analytical chemistry is that its subject, besides being more entertaining, is much more practical and mechanical. In addition to that the classes are much more pleasant and they take their adequate time so that there are no doubts. Teachers are more flexible and more responsive to questions. A work environment without overload is generated.


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