Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

I love technology, currently it is the easiest way to communicate and entertain. My favorite piece of technology is my computer because it is the perfect balance between entertainment and work. In my life I have had 2 computers, the one I have right now which is from 5 or 6 years ago (I was smaller and I used it only to watch videos on Youtube and play dragon city on Facebook).
Having so many functions it has many different types of uses, but in my case I use it for university (tests, emails and classes) and playing video games (LOL;). Lately (because of the pandemic) I use it almost all day and the truth is, it is very tiring (but addictive).
The relationship with my computer is love and hate, because time goes very fast while I am playing and when I study it goes very slow. If I did not have my baby in my life it would be more boring (even if I had a cell phone), I think I would dedicate more time to sports but I cannot imagine a world without computers (sad face).


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