Post 6 Ingles 4

 Climate change is the global phenomenon of climate transformation characterized by the changes in the usual climate of the planet that are especially caused by human activities. As a result of unbalancing the weather of Earth, the sustainability of the planet’s ecosystems is under threat.

The cause of current climate change is largely human activity, like burning fossil fuels, like natural gas, oil, and coal. Burning these materials releases what are called greenhouse gases into Earth’s atmosphere. There, these gases trap heat from the sun’s rays inside the atmosphere causing Earth’s average temperature to rise.

This will cause as consequences:

- More frequent and intense extreme meteorological phenomena, with phenomena I mean heat waves, droughts, fires, cyclones or floods.

-Food insecurity (the production of basic foods is reduced) and loss of livelihoods, this due to the propensity to natural disasters increased by climate change.

-Natural resources and energy (renewable energies are becoming more and more necessary to reduce the impact of greenhouse gas), deforestation and disappearance of ecosystems, the loss of marine-coastal resources and the depletion of natural resources are some of the impacts of the climate change on the planet.

-Difficulty in accessing safe water sources, there is already talk of "water wars" as one of the consequences of climate change. Even the UNorg considers that the fight for water will be behind many wars.

All this will lead to damage to human health mainly in poor people in poor countries. In these times, practically nothing has been done in the world and in countries to face climate change. But there are NGOs that are groups of people united for a cause to make a difference and do something for the planet and their habitants, they are in charge of massifying (recycling measures, etc.) and helping (volunteers against deforestation, cleaning waters , etc) against climate change.

Join the change!!!!


  1. It is sad to see how in this country climate change is not important and if we continue like this it will be too late.

  2. It’s horrible to see how we’re destroying the planet, we can’t go on like this, it’s time to change things!!

  3. It is very important to take care of the planet and it is very sad to see how every day we destroy it more

  4. Climate change is a very important issue, but many people ignore it and it destroys the planet even more

  5. Each one of us could be a little step to a better and sustainable world.

  6. without a doubt the planet would be better off without humans ...


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