Post 2: Why did you choose your career

Well, my dreams as a child about what I wanted to be, constantly changed because I was always interested in more and new things. Once upon a time I wanted to be an archaeologist because I was very interested in dinosaurs with their different sizes and colors (I wanted a pet dinosaur), so I read many books about it, in addition to watching many documentaries (or movies). Other times I wanted to be an astronaut just because I dreamed that I was in space, meeting new worlds and discovering different life forms.
When I was applying to university I only have in mind the career of chemistry and pharmacy because I wanted a career that had chemistry but not a lot of math (I also noticed that they will pay well and employability, to have my collection of sneakers), so I chose this one.
My experience in the university has been good, I have met many good people, and nothing more to say is a good environment (when there are not many tests or homework). Aaaaaa I forgot the nice parties.
Mmmmm, the truth, when I finish my degree I wouldnt like to work, but I see my self working in a chain of pharmacies.


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